I don't think you're phrasing your idea well. Perhaps you mean that any piece of software that allows surveillance has the propensity to trend toward being misused? It seems to me spyware is a loaded word and has its connotations. What has happened here has been on a massive scale very quickly in a way we have not seen before.
Edit: For example, remote sensors placed in a power plant or foundry where people work also would constitute surveillance. But it is in an environment where carefully calibrated machines can otherwise fail catastrophically.
I would say if it does not spy all the time it runs it can't be spyware - does Teamviewer spy all the time or can it just be made to spy as a side effect of its main purpose?
Teamviewer came to my mind as well but I'm not sure desktop monitoring is quite on the same level as a camera pointed at one's face. Unless teamviewer made some strides in the years I haven't used it..
To add, I suppose what I am really getting at is that it may be more useful to address ProctorU in particular rather than bring it under the same umbrella as other less used surveillance software.