It's worth mentioning that the OP (a friend of mine) was actually searching for a fix to this problem in the link, and stumbled across this very-helpful-yet-great answer.
I don't think it's strange that rms refuses to help with bugs in packages he did not create, on a system he does not use. It would look nicer if he refrained from comments about user-subjugating software, but then it would be strange and dishonest -- it would certainly not be rms's style.
He could have not replied and let someone who works directly on the project (as RMS hasn't done so significantly in a number of years) answer the question more effectively. As it is, it comes off as douchey.
(And, c'mon: dude, I'm very sorry, but the results are in, and it's Linux. Throw out those grapes, they've gone sour.)
A refusal to help is one thing - that's done by just not replying. But leaving a paragraph-long pedantic manifesto, to be followed up by admission of his total ignorance of what was even being asked? That's like me quizzing the homeless on whether they've set up an IRA, and then asking what "spare change" means.
I went to see a talk by RMS at the beginning of this year and say what you will about him he really follows though on his beliefs and will not compromise on them at all in his personal/professional life.
It was really interesting to see people throw question at him and he either shot them down instantly or called them out as just trying to be a smart arse.
I really admire his perseverance as with that much passion and that strong an ideology its no wonder he succeeded to the degree that he has.