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The difficulty with these lists is they always have huge blind spots. For instance, any scheme user would reasonably want to know if macros were hygienic.

They're not hygienic, but the usage of auto-gemsyms on quasi-quote and the fact that symbols are automatically expanded to their namespaced forms solves most of the problems that unhygienic macros have: http://clojure-doc.org/articles/language/macros.html#macro-h...

All of the features mentioned seemed to be in favor of Clojure, like it doesn't mention the lack of CLOS and conditions/restarts, which were both major eye openers for me in learning Common Lisp. Just a personal point, I much prefer macros in CL as well.

There are parts of Clojure I like, such as the data structures and de-structuring. Maybe it was primarily the JVM, but I just couldn't get into Clojure...it doesn't give the same feeling as working in CL. I really wanted to like it though.

I do wish that someone would take some of the modern data structure ideas and backport them to Common Lisp (as a new lisp obviously). The historical cruft in lisp and lack a strong modern standard library are major reasons I don't play with it day-to-day.

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