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That neocities site isn't exactly an authoritative source. They consider a company holding any kind of information about you (even for legitimate business purposes) as "spyware". It's the tech version of paranoia and should be taken with a grain of salt.

>They consider a company holding any kind of information about you (even for legitimate business purposes) as "spyware".

What is that if not spyware? Do I consent to them taking that data? When is it ever non legitimate by that ridiculous metric? I don't want any company to have my data for "legitimate business purposes". What benefit is it to me? How is taking data I didn't want them to not spyware? Is it paranoid to not want to be tracked by your brower? If you want to be tracked by your brower, why do you care about privacy or think privacy is?

All of them want your browsing data for their advertising for totally legit reasons you say. So why bother with privacy if you want them to take your data?

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