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Tech news sites Bit-tech.net and Hexus.net have shut down (bit-tech.net)
19 points by jonatron on Nov 2, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Always sad to see the old guard tech websites shutdown.

It looks like the owners are working on a new venture, though. I also respect their decision to end the sites rather than sell their traffic off to clickbait farms:

> We could have easily found a buyer but look at what other publications have become when sold out to the highest bidder. Click bait farms with bought articles. We owe ourselves and the readers more than that.

Interesting to see that David Ross is still around at Hexus. I can't remember the name of the guy who set up Bit-Tech but it was another site set up around year ~2000. An end of an era indeed.

I briefly ran another hardware website with a couple of other guys around this time. It was fun, but we never got the levels of success of either of these (although we did get some decent sponsorship for review samples through some companies). Fun times.

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