I'm sorry but you are spreading misinformation. The Swiss are not anti-vax in general and they are not against the Covid vaccine. Switzerland is 63.7% vaccinated.
In any case not getting the vaccine doesn't make someone uneducated. Switzerland has some of the best schools and universities in the world. In 2018, 44% of 25-64 year-olds had completed a tertiary qualification in Switzerland, compared to 39% on average across OECD countries. [1]
Which I said I find it to be very low in comparison to countries like Spain and Portugal where the rate is nearly 100% so having only 64% points to a large number of anti-vaxers similar to Eastern Europe.
>In any case not getting the vaccine doesn't make someone uneducated.
No? Then what does it make the other 36% who refuse to get vaccinated? En-masse refusal of a potentially life saving vaccine that will help end the pandemic doesn't really scream intelligence and education, does it?
creating your own definitions or metrics as to what would qualify someone as educated isn't helpful in a discussion.
you are also making assumptions that those who aren't yet vaccinated are anti-vax, which again isn't always the case they may have their own reasons for delaying or perhaps are perfectly fine with vaccines in general but distrust this particular one for whatever reason.
A person can be educated person can still be an unreasonable one.
>they may have their own reasons for delaying or perhaps are perfectly fine with vaccines in general but distrust this particular one for whatever reason.
So what does the swiss population know that the scientific and medical communities don't?
In any case not getting the vaccine doesn't make someone uneducated. Switzerland has some of the best schools and universities in the world. In 2018, 44% of 25-64 year-olds had completed a tertiary qualification in Switzerland, compared to 39% on average across OECD countries. [1]
[1] https://www.oecd.org/education/education-at-a-glance/EAG2019...