Given the vaccine doesn't stop symptoms or catching it is there a point to what you're saying. Taking vitamin d probably reduces symptoms across the board reducing the need for additional palliative care
So I'm assuming people who down vote assume preventing deaths is achieved through some means that doesn't impact the rest of the course of a disease... I wish we lived in such a simple universe
I think people take offence in you not noticing that vaccines also reduce symptoms and even stop them in some cases. And that this fact has been better proven than any claims of vitamin D effect on covid.
Literally billions of people already took vaccines for covid, some, almost a yer ago. Time to update your mental model.
If you are afraid of covid vaccines long term effects why are you not afraid that covid infection itself will cause some health issues in 5..10 years, for example lung cancers or brain tumors?
We know that some cancers are caused by viruses and we know sars-cov-2 can linger in the body.