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GoalStacker now in Beta (Task Manager) (goalstacker.com)
12 points by alexwolfe on Aug 20, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

With so many different options out there for task management, it makes me wonder "Is task management a solvable problem?" It seems that every situation requires some variation of task management. Every person works in a different way. I try a lot of the tools coming out. At the end of the day, I go back to Taskpaper which is essentially notepad with syntax highlighting.

I agree, I've tried a lot and none worked for me. That was the reason I built GoalStacker. I wanted something that kept me moving forward and helped me not get overwhelmed. I've been using it for a while now and its been working for me, I'm sure it can get better and it will, promise.

There has always been one thing that has been missing from near every todo/task manager app and that's the ability to set how long a task will/should take—thank you for having that.

It looks quite nice. I do think the logout button is a bit ambiguous. I generally associate that icon as being the 'power' icon and not specifically login/logout. Desktop notifications? That's pretty cool. Also, a short tour might make clear the purpose of the different buttons, bring to light the shortcuts (t, p, c), etc without the need to experiment though 'discovering' the interface can be nice.

Good job!

Thanks for kinds words and feedback. A tour video is coming soon...

This is the only kind of task manager that I'd consider using. Every other time I've tried I end up just getting buried under an ever growing list of "crap that should eventually get done".

That said, the lack of Single Sign On integration with Google Apps is a non-starter. Workflow apps like this really need to make their use as frictionless as possible.

Any plans on offering it in the Google Apps Marketplace?

Yes, it will be in the Google app market place soon. Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated.

One thing I'd like new task managers to do is import tasks from other apps like Things or Rememember the milk so I can get going quickly.

But it looks good!

Thanks. Any preferences on importing your tasks, what format would you prefer use?

actually very impressed. Prefer a much more minimalist UI, would be great to be able to hide that header too but that aside, for an app in beta, good stuff. Autocomplete on tags would be nice too...

Love the unlimited collaborators, should help bring in more teams.

Thanks, great suggestions. Yah, really wanted to keep it clean and easy to use.

Yah, always felt like you should be able to invite as many people as you want on a project. Hope you like it!

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