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This program, "ip4dec", converts lists of IPv4 addresses to decimal and prints them as unsigned integers. Wrote this while experimenting with storing domain->ip mappings in a trie, such as https://github.com/tlwg/libdatrie

Name borrowed from https://github.com/ian-hamlin/ipdec

Note the trietool "list" command prints data as decimal not unsigned integer.

   sed -n 's/   //;wip4dec.l' << eof
       not a domain name or ip address validator 
       input file format:
       (left-justified, no leading spaces)
       example.net comment
    int fileno(FILE *);
    int setenv(const char*,const char*,int);
    int unsetenv(const char*);
    #define echo do{if(fwrite(yytext,(size_t)yyleng,1,yyout)){}}while(0)
    #define jmp (yy_start) = 1 + 2 *
    int x=0,y=0,o=0;
   xa [0-9]{1,3}\x2e
   xb [0-9]{1,3}
   xc [0-9]{4,5} 
   xd ^[A-Za-z0-9\.-]+
   xe ^[^A-Za-z0-9]
   %s xa 
   %option noyywrap nounput noinput
   {xd} if(yytext[0]=='-'||yytext[0]=='.')jmp 0;else{o=0;y=0;x=0;setenv("x",yytext,1);jmp xa;}
   {xe} jmp 0;
   <xa>{xc} jmp 0;
   <xa>{xa}|{xb} {
     case 0: y=atoi(yytext);if(y<1)break;x=y*16777216;y=0;o++;break;
     case 1: y=atoi(yytext);if(y>255)break;x=x+y*65536;y=0;o++;break;
     case 2: y=atoi(yytext);if(y>255)break;x=x+y*256;y=0;o++;break;
     case 3: y=atoi(yytext);if(y>255)break;x=x+y;printf("%s\t%u\n",getenv("x"),x);unsetenv("x");break;
     default: break;
   int main(){ yylex();exit(0) ;}


   flex -8iCrf ip4dec.l
   cc  -std=c89 -Wall -pedantic -I. -pipe lex.yy.c -static -o ip4dec
usage: ip4dec < input-file

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