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When will the wallet of Satoshi awaken is the zillion dollar question...

Whenever we have the tech to cure ALS probably.

For context, this is referring to Hal Finney, who was active in the early Bitcoin community but later died of ALS and had his brain cryopreserved. Whether or not he was Satoshi, this is certainly a clever solution to the "what incentive will people in the future have to resurrect cryopatients" problem!

> this is certainly a clever solution to the "what incentive will people in the future have to resurrect cryopatients" problem!

You don’t need to resurrect them. All you need is to read their memories until you find what you want. Much simpler.

Another approach is to simulate their minds into a torture space until they give you the passphrase. When done, delete the data and use the storage for Chia ;-)

That’s fascinating to think about. I’m now picturing a future when we’re on the brink of resurrection technology, and VC firms invest and trade warehouses full of billion dollar cryopreserved brainwallets.

Seems like that was the plan all along :)

Satoshi's anonymity is bitcoin's biggest problem. If bitcoin were to become a real world reserve currency, people would be making trillion dollar bets on a "probably".

Actually it's Bitcoin's biggest strength. A truly decenetralized system should have no figurehead. Satoshi's anonymity is his greatest gift to Bitcoin.

Satoshi needs no wallet. All the wallets will be his when he activates his backdoor :)

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