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Many countries follow that pattern of having patients subject to physiologically unreliable personnel; others impose some limiting rules ("No, doctor, you cannot be in the panel for the examinations of medicine students on Saturday: on Monday you operate in the surgery room and you are required to rest, just like personnel in civil aviation"); nonetheless, that some goodsensical boundaries are set is not a warranty for a properly set up system - also in those territories I have seen other personnel completely untrained on basic procedures (like nurses staring at you waiting silent for a minute, or in stillness expecting something inexplicit, then shouting "SOOOO?!" bovinely).

Anyway, yes, I consider territories in which the use sleep deprived medical personnel is tolerated a strong sign of lack of civilization, when the important factor appears that some of them state "Yes we are used to it" (?! !!!) instead of, say, "We were unduly forced by understaffing" - that some of them have no idea of the difference is a huge alarm bell.

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