Exactly, many different JS table/data grid/spreadsheet products out there, but there's not a single one that can "do it all". There's different categories, broadly:
1. A read-only table for presentation purposes, with pagination and sorting options. (DataTables)
2. A read-only data grid that supports high-frequency updates/redraws, for things like Stock or Bitcoin trading. (Ag-grid?)
3. A data grid to edit JSON/Javascript data, with user-friendly spreadsheet-like controls. (DataGridXL)
4. A spreadsheet-product, with features like formulas, merged cells, HTML (images) in cells, pivot tables, etc. (Handsontable?)
I have never used a data grid control that didn't end up with me having to dig deep into the code to add something custom that I needed, and just hit brick wall after brick wall. Especially React-based ones.
We don't need big libraries, we need to mix smaller libraries together that each do one thing well.
Like starting with a tutorial of how to build a data grid from scratch with suggestions of utilities to add along the way. Most people would avoid this because they see a library that does most of what they want and get a FOMO...but if they could only see the hours they will lose trying to customize it, they would have preferred to start from scratch. This has been such a constant experience for me with almost every framework/library in tech.
1. A read-only table for presentation purposes, with pagination and sorting options. (DataTables)
2. A read-only data grid that supports high-frequency updates/redraws, for things like Stock or Bitcoin trading. (Ag-grid?)
3. A data grid to edit JSON/Javascript data, with user-friendly spreadsheet-like controls. (DataGridXL)
4. A spreadsheet-product, with features like formulas, merged cells, HTML (images) in cells, pivot tables, etc. (Handsontable?)
Source: https://www.datagridxl.com/compare.