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Does a teetotaler still have a chance to be working for GitHub? (given he is great by the way). By reading your posts, I feel like it is a non negotiable requirement and that it's basically impossible to be awesome without drinking.

Other than that, keep it on. I really enjoy reading your posts!

I don't think we have any strict non-drinkers but there's definitely some lightweights (cough Holman cough) so I think he'd be fine. ;)

I've actually worried before about not drinking being a social handicap at today's hip tech startups. It certainly makes bonding with the rest of your team more difficult if their primary social venue is the bar.

I would be honest with them but if you're that concerned about "fitting in"...just order a soda. If somebody asks, tell them you prefer mixed drinks and that it's a rum and coke. Nobody will know the difference.

An environment which requires constantly lying to fit in dosen't sound like one anyone should want to be a part of.

Or that you're driving/riding, or that you're in training for a Marathon... There are loads of socially acceptable answers if you don't feel comfortable saying "I don't drink" (not that there's anything wrong with that).

I can vouch for the githubbers that I have met liking a beer or three.

But it's not a 'sports team' deal it's more of a 'relaxed' or 'enjoy work' approach to life and work. The cultural fit of the company seems to be very important.

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