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It's "real" support, using your criteria. However, it's slower in PyPy than in CPython and than what the same thing based on ctypes would be on PyPy.

If there's a pure-Python version of the C extension, it might be faster on PyPy than the C extension support that cpyext (PyPy C-API compatibility module) provides.

Cython-based code is currently incompatible (it goes well beyond the public C-API), but a GSoC project to generate ctypes-based pure-Python code from Cython is (was?) going on.

> It's "real" support, using your criteria. However, it's slower in PyPy than in CPython and than what the same thing based on ctypes would be on PyPy. > If there's a pure-Python version of the C extension, it might be faster on PyPy than the C extension support that cpyext (PyPy C-API compatibility module) provides.

That's fine, the mere ability to run them will be nice. (:

> Cython-based code is currently incompatible (it goes well beyond the public C-API), but a GSoC project to generate ctypes-based pure-Python code from Cython is (was?) going on.

I remember that GSoC! Any idea as to what happened to it, if it was scrapped, or whatever?

> I remember that GSoC! Any idea as to what happened to it, > if it was scrapped, or whatever?

I know it made a lot of progress in Cython-land (updates at http://rguillebert.blogspot.com/) but no real overview or high level status update has been given yet (AFAIK). Since it's from GSoC 2011, it's about time for that to happen... and for other people to start contributing code <hint, hint> :).

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