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Surely I could filter those resumes just like many employers currently do anyway. First of all we'd likely be talking about some type of entry level position as education plays less and less of a role when looking for experienced engineers. So I start with some type of test before I'll even look at your resume. In fact, if I'm an employer as popular as Google, I may have more than one level of tests to get through based on the job before I give any resume's a look. It's not hard to test for knowledge in Computer Science and I'm sure companies like Google already do to some extent anyhow.

Once you've done the initial filtering it's not too terribly hard to spot some potentially good candidates. Especially in the field of software development where it's easier than ever to build products and make them available for others to see and use.

I'm also not saying to ignore the education lines...I'm just suggesting that I don't like it as the main criteria for filtering out candidates.

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