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What I'd really like is a weather API - I just spent 2 hours looking into a decent one to use. (The National Weather Service doesn't seem to report the current temperature. :/)

I still haven't been able to find an API to get yesterday's weather. I've been trying to make a site that doesn't show straight up temperature but a percentage based on known value (yesterday's temp).

For current conditions, you could try YQL, but I'm not sure if it's really current. (A good article: http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2009/12/extending...)

The NOAA service (http://www.weather.gov/forecasts/xml/rest.php) that I've used before just does time series, so you might be able to get the most recent time, but you're right, I haven't been able to find a NOAA API for current data.

Maybe Weather Underground? http://wiki.wunderground.com/index.php/API_-_XML looks decent. I use their regular pages all the time.

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