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$500 from me, $500 in doomroot's name.

evidence, for doomroot's sake (trust but verify): https://nanocrawler.cc/explorer/block/818E31FBA9C4983AE54CE7...

And let's say another 500 USD up for grabs as a match. Any donations from HNers to the Nim project (in any kind of currency) I'll match for the next 48 hrs up to $500.

Wow, amazing. Thank you so much! Unfortunately this thread was demoted by HN mods so unlikely to be seen now, I don't suppose you'd allow me to tweet this out? :)

yeah absolutely promote it

250 GBP from me via PayPal. Even made a YC account because you said you would match HNers' donations :o)

Thanks for doing this! Just donated 100GBP (no idea why that was the default but it is what it is lmao)

I assume this has gone to PayPal? Can confirm that it was received and thank you so much!

hey, just an fyi. I believe we definitely reached the $500 during the 48 hours. Not sure if you matched it yet, but even if you don't get a chance to, thank you for helping us get donations :)

great! Donated $10 via OpenCollective

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