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Hi Arnorhs, I am Alexandru working for Adobe, and I recently took over Business Catalyst.

We did read your review and took it at heart - it wasn't easy as you were very direct. However, there is a lot of truth in your review and there's a lot for us to improve. And believe me, that's our goal - to improve the product until customers love it and we have folks like you give us much better reviews :) - because you would actually like the product.

I'd love to chat with you and try to show you where we're going and get your perspective on what should we do differently. Your feedback would be very important for us.

If you're interested, please contact me at acostin@adobe.com



I'm sorry if I hurt somebody's feelings (though, that was not my objective).

There were a lot of positive articles on-line when I was evaluating BC. But I later found out that most of them are written by various BC-partners (a good business decision there) - but that also meant that they were a bit biased and skipped over the bad parts.

I'll send you an email. I'm pretty sure Adobe is able to make it better (I'm an avid adobe fan mind you)

This. Is one of the things I love about HN. When you can write a critique of a product, and hear from someone directly involved in it, that's a fantastic thing. When they're a fellow-HN reader, even better.

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