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Also at the top there's this comment:

  <!-- BC_OBNW -->
also see: http://twitter.com/#!/bc_obnw

And if you view a screenshot of the html of the top of the page and compare that with the BC website:

http://cl.ly/2g2w0I3w0L1m1R1j1Z1O vs http://cl.ly/0m3Y0s0J3r0d3H3h4626

When you think of it, it is very possible that the website's theme/html/CSS was built using muse at one point, but then it might have been transformed into a BC theme/template

This is correct, the site is hosted on Business Catalyst, but the generated markup is pure Muse.

BC can host any HTML files, we don't enforce a specific markup or template constraints.


That is probably the case. Probably all of Adobe's sites are managed by Business Catalyst.

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