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I am baffled by this behavior. Everytime, and I mean everytime, I see IceFrog given credit to DotA, there will always be that guy who tries to discredit him in one form or another. You gotta give that guy credit for putting things together. He may be a shrewd person in real life from what I've heard, but at least he did a fine job at what he does.

A fine analogy, I think, is Linux kernel. Would you not give Linus credit for being in charge (accepting/rejecting patches etc) eventhough he admitted more than once that he doesn't do much nowadays; everything is mostly from the community.

> "Everytime, and I mean everytime, I see IceFrog given credit to DotA, there will always be that guy who tries to discredit him"

Probably because the claim he invented DotA is wrong. I'm not trying to discredit him, he's probably the single largest single contributor to the genre. But saying he invented it is wrong and a smack in the face to those who did.

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