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If they are going to use electrolysis to make hidrogen to be used in Fischer-Tropsch process, wouldn't it be cheaper to develop some engines which can run on hidrogen?

Two reasons:

* There are dozens of aircraft models in use each of which would require significant design changes to run on hydrogen. It’s more practical to design one alternate jet fuel source.

* Hydrogen has worse energy density than jet fuel. Energy density is especially important for aircraft.

* hydrogen is a lot harder to handle than than jet fuel. It’s more corrosive, more flammable, needs to be kept under pressure or at cryogenic temperatures.

Hydrogen is scary to handle regularly in large quantities and more expensive to achieve the right energy densities.

So no it’s not cheaper to redesign every engine and piece of equipment to use hydrogen.

Isn't the cheapest way to get hydrogen to break down natural gas?

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