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Our analysis actually covers this case (and the obfuscation case below) just fine: we don’t care about being precise, just very conservative. So any use of setTimeout where the first argument is not a function is flagged as a potential dynamic execution. There are a couple other security teams at other companies who are collaborators on the project with us who have contributed Semgrep rules that cover what should be all the dynamic injection points in JS (eval, vm.*, child_process). In fact many obfuscation techniques will show up as a permission change as they involve the addition of dynamic behavior. Which is a great signal to have—why is my dependency publishing obfuscated code?

And making it does highlight “where should we look” in lockfile diffs, which makes us more comfortable updating frequently.

Also, the strongest signal comes from 0 -> 1+ permission transitions. Like if leftpad suddenly adds an exec or setTimeout call.

Would love to hear more critique of the approach though!

> Would love to hear more critique of the approach though!

It wasn't really a "critique" as such, and more of a question. It's not hard to imagine being able to fool a naïve tool – flagging any dynamic code execution seems like the right approach.

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