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Yeah, I can perfectly see things in this light.

Look at programming languages. There are lot of passionate users, advocating the languages, and things don't turn sour like that. I would even call myself a Lisp and Ruby fanboy, I find it a funny word, not pejorative at all. Add GNU/Linux to that too. (EDIT: Of course I know those things have limitations and I wouldn't use them everything, they're not silver bullets, and that's why I prefer projects where I can use them)

The problem is this "us or them" mentality, when you can't stand people using different things, or think they're making wrong choices.

Just look at articles on ArsTechnica, CNet or specific iOS/Android sites and you'll get a bunch of comments like "iOS users are sheep who like shiny stuff" or "Android users are cheap bastards who don't buy apps".

Being "passionate" clearly isn't the problem here, being an asshole because you're obsessed with some brand, on the other hand...

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