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I love command line tools that provide hints or "command palettes". Typical CLI stuff is great for things I use at least once a week, and usually only in a couple ways. It's terrible at presenting me stuff I could be doing that I don't know about [edit: yes, I know how to use apropos, which is great but still something you have to think to go query on your own], or reminding me how to do the fifth-most-common thing I do with a tool, but that I do only 10% as often as the fourth-most-common, so I have to look it up every single time.

Git is full of that kind of thing. Tealdear and friends usually save me from digging through SO posts or manpages, so remove much of the pain, but it's still worse than having a reminder already on the screen.

(actually, some kind of automated tealdear in a second term or tmux pane, reading what I'm typing with some kind of auto-complete magic so it can show me options quickly even for longer commands, and smart enough to look up "git rebase" as "git-rebase" or whatever, would be amazing... I'll have to look into that)

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