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> I came from VIM ... is learnable within a few days.

That was my point when I said

> if I was coming to emacs from VIM ... if you want to do emacs from scratch it’s probably easier

There is no quick start with any of these environments .. and even then it takes some detailed technical knowledge to get them up and running. They do sure look pretty! Although I found some of the default theming a little hard on the eyes for prolonged work.

> Default config is almost 'good enough'

The problem I had, was that to go beyond that it's a little trickier than what I'm used to, and there really isn't the same degree of support as what you get with more orthodox approaches. Though the community small is it is around these distributions are enthusiastic, helpful and friendly.

Like I say, the whole muscle memory thing feels quite alien at first, it soon becomes quite delightful, but not a lot more difficult to learn I think than VIM. I do like VIM, and there's many occasions where I'll use that for a quick command line based edit, and perhaps at some stage I will learn the VIM keybindings properly to the point where EVIL mode makes more sense.

I wouldn't gripe too much about the complexity of emacs, since that's where a lot of it's power lies (even if I never fully use it myself), but I wouldn't be in the habit of just copying/pasting random elisp. Usually if you've to go that much trouble it's not worth it, as somebody would have made it easier already.

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