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Is there something like Magit for NeoVim? Preferably in Lua.

neogit is "magit for neovim". It is written in Lua. Did you already know the answer to your question? ;)


Similar Git tooling can be found in https://github.com/frontaid/git-cli-tools

There's also the criminally-underrated fugitive.vim. Not lua though.


Yes, this is what I currently use, in fact.

I've used vimagit for a long time (it's not in Lua, but it's pretty awesome): https://github.com/jreybert/vimagit

It does not really seem to be maintained anymore. Is there any downside because of that?

Looks to me like it had commits in June and August of this year. Or do you wonder whether they'll add features like pushing from within vimagit?

I did see the commits, but the last release was almost three years ago. That is not necessarily bad. I was just wondering whether it still works well or there are any quirks.

Many Vim plugins abandoned the release model since most Vim and NeoVim package managers focus on fetching latest git HEAD for every installed plugin.

Yes, good explanation. Case in point: Neogit has never tagged a release: https://github.com/TimUntersberger/neogit/tags

I agree, vimagit is great. I made a few minor changes for my preferences.

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