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Absolutely not. I didn't want to use a comment to talk about our project and hijack the comments section, just to provide where my perspective is coming from and that even with that I like the idea and Mastodon's approach.

To be clear: No, I'm not the one who made Truth, have no part of it, and don't know anyone working on it.

That's just a stolen and license-violating Mastodon, not much building involved

I try and avoid any news about that person so I don't know much about Truth other than it exists, how is it violating any license?

Presumably because they are using modified AGPL licensed code without releasing their modifications.

So the real question now is: can the FSF sue?

Not sure the FSF can do anything, but the mastodon authors can.

The FSF could provide lawyers at most, but given their track record that might very well happen.

No, it seems to be "Slyde."[1]

[1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25267854

I'm not familiar with Truth Social except for what I've read in the comments here. What makes you say that building this will cost a soul? How does this differ from other social networks? (Or do you believe working on Twitter/FB also cost one one's soul?). What effects do you think the builders would have?

What makes you think he is building Truth?

Found that odd too. Jumping to conclusions, and moralizing based on that. Not sure what the purpose was. It lead to other users digging into the other commenter, which is somewhat creepy.

Troll farms are quite good at playing people's psychological conditions.

> No amount of money is worth your soul.

Either you lack imagination, or you're bad with very large numbers.

Assuming that a soul is something that lasts an infinite length of time, and you value its experience during that time, and its experience cannot benefit from money (or anything exchangeable for money) after some finite period of time, I think that no amount of money is sufficient compensation for losing ownership of your soul.

Well, Truth isn't so much growing as it's collapsing.

Hold your horses, it hasn't been launched yet.

But the SPAC associated with TMTG almost quadrupled today.

Even if you are unconcerned about your soul, morals, or ethics, tech workers at TMTG are surely ending their careers. Who would employ them after that?

Friendly reminder: if you feel passionate and excited about someone else being denied employment, or otherwise punished based on their views, you are likely being manipulated. By caring about those things you care less about demanding a better deal for yourself, and that's exactly what the media wants. USSR was built on that kind of manipulation and now it's coming here.

> USSR was built on that kind of manipulation and now it's coming here

Can you link to where I could read up on that? Propaganda tactics are fascinating, and this one is one I never knew about.

I believe what they're talking about is more commonly referred to as "McCarthyism".

No, McCarthyism was an anti-communist panic in the USA. They're referring to USSR propaganda. I assure you, resentment over a better quality of life was not driving McCarthyism. Quality of life was far lower in the USSR, in addition to the fact that the Union and SSRs had more mass killings and abuses of citizens than United States by orders of magnitude:





A place with high quality of life wouldn't have three entire nations jump at the first sign of instability to declare independence:



"I have seen the future, and it works!" is nothing more than demonstrably false propaganda. See here the anarcho-communist Emma Goldman say it themselves:


The not-insignificant portion of the population that either doesn’t care about or sympathizes with such an employee’s politics?

Maybe not in SFBA though.

Probably Gab, did well for someone who used to work at Facebook.

[0] https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7abex/gabs-new-cto-is-a-for...

Can you please help me understand why working at TMTG ends someone's career?

I assure you nobody outside America would really care, or know, what that company was.

Not everyone in tech blacklists people based on their politics.

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