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Related: a few years ago, Aaron Swartz took a month-long internet fast.

Before: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/offline

After: http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/offline2

Thanks for posting that, it was much more interesting and relevant than the OP link.

By the way, if you (the figurative 'you', not RyanMcGreal) find yourself unhappy and unable to concentrate on your work, consider that you may be depressed. Several years ago, I went through a bout of deep depression. I took Zoloft for about six months and was, for the first time in a long while, able to really focus and get work done. Accomplishing things leads to satisfaction, which snowballs to help ease the unhappiness. I've read elsewhere that borderline ADD-type symptoms are associated with depression, and let's face it, sitting in front of a glowing box all day probably isn't the most psychologically healthy activity in the world.

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