I'm just a bit disappointed that HN had to simplify the title to satisfy the audience.
I'm more disappointed that the suggestion was upvoted enough to distract from any substantial discussion.
The title change can bring the discussion back on-topic but this really does feel like a massive brainfart. HN literally decided that a factual number was not appropriate and a sensational milestone is.
If you want to argue, "well, they put the .99 cents on the end to confuse people and make it look like they donated 1.5 million instead" then that really only speaks to your own desperation to twist facts and make them sound favourable to your agenda. You're literally admitting to jumping to a conclusion before even processing the information.
Sorry, I'm just sad that HN decided that they needed to editorialise this specific title.
FWIW, Sentry employee here, I promise nobody here ever planned to present this figure as a means of manipulating readers into thinking we donated millions.
The original blog post draft originally had $150,000 in the title, but when the receipts came back and we realized that we "saved" 11 cents, someone jokingly updated the title and we thought it was a cutesy change. That's it.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting the comment to get upvoted to the very top and take away attention from the more deserved discussion. Fortunately it seems like things have gotten corrected now and it's many other comments have risen above it.