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I can relate. For the last five months I have finally been committed to working full time on the idea that has been ruminating in the back of my mind for the last 10 years.

My time is spent in front of the computer doing research and writing code, and lately I have noticed that "insidious" thing too. Hacker News has become the biggest culprit so last week I enabled noprocrast mode for the first time. I was noticeably more productive.

However, even with it enabled I found myself habitually clicking on HN during context shifts -- evidently it is now wired in as a conditioned response (having it on my Chrome start page is probably one of the triggers).

Whatever it is, it's definitely noticeable and not something easily avoided because of the entanglement issue. This weekend I deactivated noprocrast to do some casual browsing and didn't turn it back on -- I probably should switch it back :)

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