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"Personally, I feel that Gabriel contributes more to HN content and startup culture than the AirBnb, Hipmunk or Instapaper founders combined."

...and you're obviously free to express your opinion in the thread. But it's never been fair game to editorialize the headlines on story submissions here. (And for what it's worth, I think it was a fairly classy move that the editor didn't change the link/headline to emphasize the YC companies.)

DDG and Gabriel pop up on the front page of HN on a regular basis. They get plenty of attention here without having to slight the other 49 websites in this list.

But it's never been fair game to editorialize the headlines on story submissions here.

I don't understand your comment about editorializing headlines. The process of editorializing is making changes after the copy has been submitted. And, that's what happened to both the headline and original url that I submitted.

I submitted a link to this url[1] via bookmarklet. I trimmed extra headline cruft, and clicked "submit". The community upvoted it to #1, after you posted your comment, an unknown mod changed/editorialized the headline to remove references to DDG, and changed the url to this[2], which is pretty crap content IMHO, that I would never submit. I don't get that.

I'll stop this meta discussion, because it's really not that productive and uninteresting.


[1] http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2...

[2] http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,2087815,0...

> The process of editorializing is making changes after the copy has been submitted.

No, it's not.


"1. to set forth one's position or opinion on some subject in, or as if in, an editorial.

2. to inject personal interpretations or opinions into an otherwise factual account."

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