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I'm leaning this way lately as well, and do some completely offline work outdoors, reading or jotting things down with pen&paper. That has the advantage of nice scenery, too.

But I think there are upsides/downsides to being 'connected'. Prior to using the internet a lot, I probably concentrated more, but partly because my knowledge and worldview were much more limited: it was easier to just work on one thing because I didn't know that other things existed, and had no way to access them! I wasn't tempted by other problems to work on, but I also didn't know that someone else had already done something similar that I could build off of, or that there's a related thing with a ton of interesting research questions, or a fruitful connection with another subject, or an exciting new development exactly in line with my interests, etc., etc. The Wikipedia-link-wander (and Google-scholar-link-wander) is sort of a microcosm of this: I've gotten distracted by it hundreds of times, but also found a lot of very relevant stuff that way that improved my ideas, and kept me from going off on a tangent developing sort of crazy stuff in ignorance of how my ideas connected to existing ideas.

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