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I wanted to go completely without at first. Then I realized 99% of my social interaction happens online and I am not interested in [essentially] walking off into the desert to think for 30 days.

Also reducing "frivolous internets" from 24/7 to an hour a day. A solid hour at that, not interspersed throughout the day ... will be hard.

But it seems that that is what you need:walking off into the desert to think for 30 days. Try unplugging for 3 full days and each fourth day, you get only an hour.

It worries me if I read that someones social interactions happens 99% online. Are there no spouse, neighboors, friends?

Depends on how you count. There are only so many IRL people you can interact with on a daily basis and even with most of those I tend to keep in touch online for various reasons.

99% was an exaggeration though of course :)

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