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According to the guidelines:

"If you're submitting a link, put it in the url field. If you want to add initial commentary on the link, write a blog post about it and submit that instead."

I think a blog post along the lines of "Several regular HN members made it into Time Magazine's Top 50" in follow up to a single link to DDG making it in fits within the guidelines, but to each their own.

All I'm saying is that, this is obviously something that people were interested to know about, if you're complaining that coverage didn't extend to others you think are just as important, then write about it on your own blog and submit that

That's addressed to the Slashdot defectors who'd gotten used to every link being wrapped in a couple of sentences of clever commentary.

The spirit of that guideline is that a link should speak for it self. If it can't, don't submit it. If YOU want to say something, write a blog post.

Slashdot's wrapper commentary hasn't been clever in quite some time, unfortunately. I had a very low uid there, and witnessed the decline firsthand. Count me in as someone concerned about editorialized headlines at HN -- I really don't want to see it go the same direction as /.

timr isn't the submitter of this story. He's a commenter.

PG was specifically referring to submitters, submitting links.

...so following your perception of that quote, you expect every relevant comment on HN to instead be submitted as a blog post?

i do not think it means what you think it means.

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