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I can see from your comment that you honestly don't understand why DDG is the #1 post on HN right now, so I'll answer it honestly.

You don't say which company you work for in this comment.

You don't use your real name in your HN profile.

You're not giving us a way to connect and root for you.

If you were more open. If you openly talked about your company and taught us what you learned, you'd give us a way to feel connected to you and your company. Then we'd probably all root for you too.

Give us a chance to get to know you and relate to you.

I appreciate the comment - and now much better appreciate popularity of the submission. Build a respect for your company and the support will follow.

Also, my username is my abbreviated real name, and pretty transparent. However, I do also have a company social posting policy I must follow...

I look forward for the one day in the future to talk about my own startup with you Andrew.

Thank you for the insight.

Email me any time. I met Sivers from a comment on HN. He ended up doing an interview and becoming a friend.

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