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How many founders are able to boot strap a search engine to 8M monthly unique searches?

Gabe, Jordan, and recent hires...


I made it to 1M so far.

Congratulations! Iconfinder.com is a site I use about every other day it seems. I've introduced it to a handful of other people and everyone loves it.

Thanks for making such a great site!

Thanks a lot!

Link to your site? :)

Why have I not heard about this before? This is awesome.

Wow, I just found this as well - this is fantastic. Great job!

Thank you all. For users of DDG - You can use the !icon to search Iconfinder directly.

We should do a tighter integration so when someone searches for icon x we show some in the 0-click box.

I have made a simple API you can use: http://www.iconfinder.com/tools/api

Funny enough i often do a e.g "!icon vine" search on DDG :-)


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