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In Northern Spain sometimes you could even distinguish if someone who crossed behind you was an Spaniard, Portuguese, French or half-German over the day.

Heck, I can put several people in a photo from the North, the inner Castilles, the Eastern Mediterranean, Andalusia and Canary Islands and you could never, ever say every one in that photo would be from Spain.

We have been invaded over so many times from European tribes that we are utterly mixed.

Couldn't agree more. Human migration and mixing has always happened. Look at any trade route and you'll see it clear as day.

Concepts like race are a fantastical vanity construct (things that should never have taken a foot hold during the Enlightenment period). Really it's tribalism.

Our view of what a viking looked like is a very romanticized image of a "blond blue eyed" person: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/science/vikings-DNA.html

Just like what an Asian looks like or an African or an American (both North, everything in between and South :) ) ... and than funny word Caucasian

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