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My reaction to Alphabet was, "If you wanted to look like supervillains who planned to own everything in the world from A to Z... that would be how you'd do it. Was that intentional? I don't understand what else they might have intended."

> If you wanted to look like supervillains who planned to own everything in the world from A to Z

That would be Amazon, I mean their logo literally has an arrow going from a to z.

That's not an arrow. Bezos has a penis infatuation.

Reminds me of the classic http://bash.org/?670375

Funny... every single time I looked at the arrow , I thought it as the smile of a faceless creature.

Once i point it out, people can’t look at the logo the same again.

It’s an erect penis, ya’ll.

I didn't have that initial reaction, I thought alphabet, because their company Google, needs to dissect a lot of language, the basic building blocks of which is the alphabet.

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