I'm not saying it's a good idea (even though I stupidly do it), I'm merely pointing out that there are reasons that U0080+ may end up in a username; for reasons other than intentionally putting it in there.
As for the benefits, which is completely off-topic, Windows Store is actually pretty awesome if you completely avoid search (and you need to do the Microsoft account thing for it AFAIK). Windows has needed a system to update 3rd-party software, to compete with Linux package managers, and the store is a really good effort (there are still annoying warts that Aur, Deb, RPM do not have). If you're willing to be a bit dumb, there is convenience.
This is exactly why I don't do that initially - I don't mind my account being linked - but I've been bitten by the home path bugs multiple times, I unplug my pc during setup