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VR makes most people nauseous and this is going to be far worse. I am watching from afar and seeing the B grade movie that is Facebook crash and burn.

This is a bit like saying 'vacuum tubes are too fragile and always break, computers will never succeed'.

That being said, I do think FB will succeed on the hardware front but flounder on the software front unless they somehow completely reinvent themselves and stop being so "Disney".

Vacuum tubes? Didn't they get replaced with transistors, are they fragile?

My point was that your comment "VR makes most people nauseous" is criticizing the metaphorical vacuum tubes of VR/AR - IE: current VR/AR implementation != all possible VR/AR implementation. So you're criticizing the growing pains period but the medium itself doesn't necessitate nausea. And in fact there has already been tremendous advances in both hardware and software to mitigate nausea.

I call maximum shenanigans on "most people", especially given the success of the Quest.

The guy has a point, any experiences that move you around will make almost everyone who tries them sick after 10 to 30 minutes. Nobody’s found a perfect solution yet.

On the upside, even a boring “stand around and talk to people” game will be more immersive and fun in VR than most action-packed run-and-gun games without it

I've never had issues with VR even with 8hour sessions. I have an HTV Vive original pre-order. There were some very early games with bad locomotion systems that could cause motion sickness but I haven't seen any of those since the very very early days of VR. There are people who have spent 24hr+ in VR without issue. Not sure what you are basing your comments on.

Modern VR standards are even better than what it was with my older PC setup (GTX 970 + vive). Way larger FoV and better PPI screens are making a big difference

I think it's a bit like complaining that GUI operating systems aren't a good fit for text adventure games. It's a completely different paradigm. Shifts in dominant genres should be expected.

Amen.. The only reason I keep playing pancake games is because all my friends are there. It'll be awesome when they're all in VR someday

That’s absolutely false. Many people do experience discomfort when they are new to VR, but with time most people adjust, and are able to play for any amount of time with no negative side effects.

IMO it's pretty disingenuous to just casually gloss over the fact that most people have to carefully condition themselves to get used to VR motion

If you try to just power through the sim sickness, you can reprogram your body to get sick when you so much as look at a headset

The VR enthusiast community is laughably tiny compared to the gaming/computing/mobile user world at large, and it's self-selected down to people who were either immune to sim sickness or willing to put in the effort to get past it

I'd like to see numbers at this point. This is two unsourced claims that "most people" suffer from simulation sickness, which is two too many.

I dunno, I don't have any numbers on hand, but it's pretty blatantly obvious that everyone gets sick in VR when they move around. I've never seen someone claim otherwise except this dude and a few random wackos on VR subreddits.

The closest I could come to any scientific data is third/fourth hand, so it's not really going to settle any arguments, but here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/4woycf/what_are_the...


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