I'm curious what was worse, leaded gasoline or Diesel? I was reading about France's phase out of leaded gasoline and saw that it happened relatively late with unleaded appearing on the market in 1990 and leaded gasoline being banned in 1995 only.
But before that, it seems that Diesel had started getting popular in the 80s and 90s.
Having said that, a lot of countries do a poor job of lead control/monitoring in plumbing/water distribution.
> There is growing evidence that the scale of problems with lead in drinking water has been under-estimated in Europe, due to inadequate monitoring. Particularly in the older districts of towns and cities, where lead pipes can be common
It’s quite a rabbit hole to go through. Distribution pipes, pH, corrosion control, service lines, internal piping, leaching for PVC even, interior fittings, flow rates, consumption patterns…
But before that, it seems that Diesel had started getting popular in the 80s and 90s.