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One major difference between types and sets (certainly between type theory and set theory) is that set membership is a proposition, e.g. all of the following are perfectly reasonable expressions, which ask whether or not a value exists in a set:

    po    ∈ point     // Valid statement, which happens to be true
    po    ∈ my_point  // Valid statement, which happens to be false
    my_po ∈ point     // Valid statement, which happens to be false
    my_po ∈ my_point  // Valid statement, which happens to be true
However, type membership is not a question; it's part of a definition. We may choose to add "annotations" to some expressions, but they only act as sanity checks; they are logically/computationally irrelevant:

    po    : point     // Valid expression, since the annotation passes the type checker; equivalent to `po`
    po    : my_point  // Invalid expression, since the annotation doesn't pass the type checker
    my_po : point     // Invalid expression, since the annotation doesn't pass the type checker
    my_po : my_point  // Valid expression, since the annotation passes the type checker; equivalent to `my_po`

Another way of stating this is to say that sets are “extensional” and types are “intensional,” which means that a set is defined by imposing conditions (constraints) on the membership or by simply listing the objects, while a type is defined by describing its “meaning,” e.g. by specifying operations on objects.

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