I'm never logged in to Google, and don't even store cookies by default (although that may or may not be enough to prevent all tracking/personalisation, it's more than "the average" user and does seem to keep the worst out, not that personalisation is necessarily bad; the singular reason I have an account is because I actually like YouTube personalisation – without it I just get idiotic nonsense on the frontpage and now I get stuff I actually want to watch, although the old YouTube model of good categories was still better, but ah well).
I wish I had taken some screenshots, here's the only recent one I have: https://i.imgur.com/b9hu2a9.png – I was trying to find about Cambodian date writing conventions for some i18n code, but all DDG gave me was spam (and most likely, scam) results. Probably not the best search term in the first place ("Cambodian calender" would be better), but it's a decent example.
I should keep a spreadsheet or something, but I'm too lazy for that. And it's not really all that interesting either.
Sure no Natural Intelligence nor an algorithm could've possibly guessed what you meant with 'date in Cambodia'. Reminds me of the time Blanche Deveraux remarked on the obvious nature of a book titled "Females to Fondle" only to find out it was a tome of the Encyclopedia.
Yes, my search terms weren't the best, and I did find what I wanted soon afterwards. However, just the inclusion of "dates" shouldn't bring up loads of spam (and most likely scam) sites.
(What I actually wanted to know is how widespread usage of the Khmer calendar is, and if I could get away with just supporting Gregorian).
I wish I had taken some screenshots, here's the only recent one I have: https://i.imgur.com/b9hu2a9.png – I was trying to find about Cambodian date writing conventions for some i18n code, but all DDG gave me was spam (and most likely, scam) results. Probably not the best search term in the first place ("Cambodian calender" would be better), but it's a decent example.
I should keep a spreadsheet or something, but I'm too lazy for that. And it's not really all that interesting either.