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>> Target Plus Marketplace is one of the top-tier eCommerce marketplaces, along with Amazon Marketplace and Walmart Marketplace, that cater to third party retailers. Target, one of the biggest retail chains in the United States, entered the eCommerce marketing realm in February 2019 and expanded its product assortment by allowing third party retailers to sell on Target.com

You spammed that quote a couple times in the thread, but never provided a source. I found it (https://thriveagency.com/target-plus-marketplace/), and your quotation seems a bit selective, the next sentence is:

> Unlike Amazon and Walmart Marketplace, however, Target Marketplace is an invitation-only platform.

That seems like a significant difference. It also goes on to say they only have about a hundred partners, which is another significant difference.

Since your source seems like some kind of weird marketing site, here it is from the horse's mouth, https://plus.target.com/:

> Right now, Target Plus is an invite-only program but we do plan to accept partner applications in the future.

I was just trying to provide people with the correct facts, as you've confirmed yourself, they have entered the game and are ramping up to be a marketplace, with already having 100 3rd party sellers onboarded and more to come, and even hinting that they might open application forms in the future.

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