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Are the quibbling over where Amazon looks at individual seller data or aggregated per-SKU data?

> Are the quibbling over where Amazon looks at individual seller data or aggregated per-SKU data?

No. They're "quibbling" over whether Amazon executives perjured themselves. Perjury doesn't have a "but, like, is it really a big deal" test.

From the article,

> Bezos said the company prohibits its employees from using data on individual sellers to benefit its own private-label product lines.

I could see someone hearing that and not realizing that per-SKU aggregation, or even clustered similar products, wouldn't break this rule.

Given that nearly every important member of the government that has testified before congress has flat out lied to congress... this seems like selective enforcement. How about going after all the members of the military and intelligence command structures that told blatant lies when testifying.

> nearly every important member of the government that has testified before congress has flat out lied to congress

This is rubbish. There is a litany of recent, memorable cases. But they rarely met the legal threshold of contempt of Congress, and in the cases that did, there was seldom political will to prioritise its prosecution.

Congress, by design, is a political creature. We don't want the President (DoJ) rounding up people who speak to a co-equal branch of government because he--unilaterally--thinks they might have lied.

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