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A peer-to-peer and Node.js cloud (atek.cloud)
56 points by janandonly on Oct 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Oh Atek is not ready for HN yet. If you saw the spork tool yesterday [1], that’s as far as we’ve gotten.

On “What is it.” Suppose you set up a server on your home LAN. Great: what can it do? Unless you configure DDNS or a static IP or similar, it can only serve apps to your LAN. What if your friend also had a home server and we could get them to connect and send messages, share files, etc? You could build some applications on that stack which are traditionally on commercial clouds.

So Atek will be something like a personal PaaS that’s consumer-friendly. The p2p tech is to make the apps on that PaaS socially connective with each other.

1. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28915872

That is a great idea. Thanks for the clarification.

What is Atek?

Atek is a personal cloud for small home servers like Raspberry Pis. It uses peer-to-peer tech to turn NodeJS programs into private, self-hosted Web apps with privacy and global connectivity.

That right there is something useless a sales person may tell you. Means nothing for techie.

Luckily there is architecture doc we can dig into: https://atek.cloud/docs/manual/dev/architecture

Thanks for sharing that! It's a very well-written doc, and IMHO it managed to describe a compelling architecture for the aspects of "web 3.0" that _don't_ scream scammy hype blockchain bitcoin bs. I'm actually interested!

I read all that and I still don't see what the purpose of this is.

Its to help people develop p2p applications in a stack that's popular without understanding inner workings of usual p2p technologies. Using this people can create p2p applications that much easily without needing to host them somewhere. All the advantages of p2p applications apply here while reducing the complexity of development.

It is a platform that aims to be able run on a rpi to provide a self-hosted home cloud infrastructure.

I still have no idea what Atek is.

Hey, looks neat! We’re building something similar, but not Node.js specific, over at https://kubesail.com

I’ll be keeping an eye on this project!

Built on top of Hypercore by the same devs as Beaker browser? You have my attention!

Seriously, this kind of thing is real cool.

Great concept and well executed - the documentation is very good https://atek.cloud/docs/manual/index

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