Yeah. Absolutely. There's plenty of merits in the pursuit.
But products are constrained by requirements and most of the time the manager thought search was in there, after a little talk, search was not in there any more.
There's resources, deadlines, budgets, contracts to satisfy, blah blah blah. The insight is this costly feature can usually be shaved from the requirements with a little conversation.
A big secret of "10x" programming is realizing "90%" of the work isn't truly necessary.
But yes, search is totally a fantastic thing to do if you have the space and expertise to do it.
But products are constrained by requirements and most of the time the manager thought search was in there, after a little talk, search was not in there any more.
There's resources, deadlines, budgets, contracts to satisfy, blah blah blah. The insight is this costly feature can usually be shaved from the requirements with a little conversation.
A big secret of "10x" programming is realizing "90%" of the work isn't truly necessary.
But yes, search is totally a fantastic thing to do if you have the space and expertise to do it.