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If x number of people are asking for something, all of those people are asking for it. I think it was pretty obvious I wasn't claiming all spotify users are asking for this.

I'm a PO so feel sufficiently qualified to state that user analytics data is completely redundant for looking at small use high value features & undervaluing direct user feedback from your 'power users' is generally a bad move.

Again, just because not everyone needs/wants a feature does not make it useless or not worth implementing.

Data doesn't tell you how useful a feature is, it tells you how frequently it's used & how many people use it. They are not the same things.

> Data doesn't tell you how useful a feature is, it tells you how frequently it's used & how many people use it. They are not the same things.

That entirely depends on the the data set. On one hand you are claiming to be an expert and on the other making generalizations about what data can be used for. In reality you know that data is contextual and depending on the data set is what determines what conclusions and how confident you can be in those conclusions.

It entirely depends on your perspective.

There's a difference between justifying your decisions with data, and letting data make your decisions for you.

What data would you use to justify not implementing a dislike feature that many users are asking for, for example?

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