Factory-created mass-produced handmade artisan goods? You're working really hard to misinterpret their tweet.
Do you expect people to think of skilled artisans working on handmade goods when they hear mass production? Because upon reading Wikipedia [1] or a dictionary [2], I'd think of factories, assembly lines, machinery and automation.
Etsy is a site that advertises carefully crafted handmade goods from independent creators, that are often custom and unique. They were looking for non-mass-produced handmade goods and found mass-produced goods from China instead. That's a mundane factual observation that couldn't be made clearer.
You're not really making your case here. Reading your flagged comments is not as flattering as you seem to believe.
> Factory-created mass-produced handmade artisan goods? You're working really hard to misinterpret their tweet.
You seem to have seized on a minor peripheral point and worked very hard to rebut it, I suppose because you want to take Hoy's side. But the entire original tweet thread except for Hoy's first tweet was about non-mass-produced goods from China, so the question of whether we should count mass-produced goods produced by skilled artisans working on an assembly line as "handmade artisan goods" is pretty much entirely beside the point.
In fact, the whole factual question there is beside the point. The reason this is at all relevant is that we're talking about Hoy's conflict with Ghost; her tendency to go nuclear and treat people very poorly over minor issues, as amply demonstrated here, is the relevant thing. There are people who applaud that sort of thing, which probably explains most of the appeal of Twitter. It looks like you're one of them.
Me, I'm sick of it, and I don't think this kind of behavior should be welcome here.
> But the entire original tweet thread except for Hoy's first tweet was about non-mass-produced goods from China
If I tweeted something and then a bunch of randoms started reply-guy arguing in my notifications about a straw man they'd made up, I'd block the lot of them forever too.
Every post you've made here is making you look even worse.
Minor peripheral point? The whole original thread was arguing about a point that wasn't made in the first tweet. They never claimed nor implied non-mass-produced goods from China were an issue. Replies created that point out of nowhere and you are using the fabricated discussion to paint them as somehow problematic.
Do you expect people to think of skilled artisans working on handmade goods when they hear mass production? Because upon reading Wikipedia [1] or a dictionary [2], I'd think of factories, assembly lines, machinery and automation.
Etsy is a site that advertises carefully crafted handmade goods from independent creators, that are often custom and unique. They were looking for non-mass-produced handmade goods and found mass-produced goods from China instead. That's a mundane factual observation that couldn't be made clearer.
You're not really making your case here. Reading your flagged comments is not as flattering as you seem to believe.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_production [2] https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/mass-pro...