i am actually impressed to see this come out cornell. i tend to see like and dislike buttons as too simplistic. they greatly reduce why a user would dislike something.
i am annoyed at youtube only allowing me to choose from "i didn't like it" or "i have already watched it" for example. i have thousands of other reasons.
A dislike button is too simplistic, but having no way to dislike something is extremely bad user experience. How do you train a recommendation engine without a negative signal?
Sometimes I dislike something and I don't want it around anymore. Which is the reason I've migrated to Youtube Music, which is an inferior product, but has a dislike button.
> i tend to see like and dislike buttons as too simplistic.
Same here. I’m still a big fan of star ratings in iTunes, though I’m not sure if they do anything or influence playback. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music and only want to hear certain songs once in a while and I give those songs get three stars. (Sorry Donnie Iris if you are reading this.)
i am annoyed at youtube only allowing me to choose from "i didn't like it" or "i have already watched it" for example. i have thousands of other reasons.
that's why i don't use dislike buttons.